Monday, February 25, 2013

In Class Editorial Illustration

In this in class assignment, we had to read this article and illustrate showing what the article was talking about. I had an article talking about how ads online today pretty much stalk people through email and use cookies to target you. So I drew an evil cookie with a laser gun targeting a person and his whole team of cookies behind also. The cookie is on disguise so the person won't notice, but the damage is already done. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Project 6: Simplification Through Symbolism

In this assignment, we had to gather 10 quotes of any kind (relatives, artists, friends, etc.) and list them. Then from those 10, we narrowed it down to three by vote, then create a symbol representing the quotes. I came up with a George Burns, my Mother, and Frida Kahlo quotes and illustrated as simple as I could. I'm not all that confident that the symbols reflect greatly with each quote, but in hopes that the message is still there. 
The first quote was "Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed" and so I drew out a person laying down on top of a money bag, as it was their bed.
The second quote was "You look much prettier being quiet" and I did a pretty girl with a bandana covering her mouth, to show that she can't speak. 
The third quote was "Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly", and I drew out simple wings using almost negative space to form a foot.

Monday, February 11, 2013

In Class Aesthetics

 Beautiful Vultures
 Beautiful Bull
 Mama Rat
Sexy armpits and teeth guy

In this in class assignment, we were to create aesthetics. You think of things that have beauty, but is ugly at the same time. I came up with Beautiful vultures that have a beautiful view of things, and have amazing wings, but are just vicious and scary. The second picture is a bull killing machine, but have a beautiful stance and anatomy. The third picture drawing is a Mama rat that is loving and caring with her babies, but lives in a rat hole and is a rat. Rats are disgusting to humans. Finally the last image is a guy whose obviously attractive, has a nice body, but has ugly teeth and really long armpit hair. Which makes the guy, unattractive while being attractive at the same time.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Project 4: Emotional Cyrk Poster

For our Project 4, we had to create a circus Cyrk poster that relates to our Pseudonym character in a way. We also had a list of emotions which we have to emphasize in the poster. I chose the emotion, confidence, which relates to my Pseudonym character, Claire-less. There is two people, which obviously part of the circus, and are doing an upside down trick. The lady with flow-y hair is confident in not falling or being afraid even though she's not being held tightly. The design also show off a kind of sloppy, quick, not really detailed creation, just like Claire is. And finally, Claire-less is credited as the creator of the poster of course. 

In Class Pseudonym

Our in class assignment this week was to create a pseudonym, a fictitious character that is completely different from my normal day self. Either the person can be someone you want to be or just plain different from you. So, I drew out a character who is careless and unorganized. 'Claire-less' is a person who is messy, yet manages to always have perfect hair. Claire is also rebellious in a way and has perfect vision, therefore does not use glasses. I chose this character because I am a organized person who never likes to be dirty, careless, and sloppy. I am also kind of not really cool looking with all this organization, unlike Claire who has style even if she does not try. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Project 3: Totally Looks Like

For this project, it was required to have very good observational skills to photograph common things that are around me, and remind me/look like other completely different things. Here are 10 things I came across with.

In this set, I took a picture of the highway I-35 light pole in which I saw a similarity of a longhorn's horns.

While I was pumping gas into my vehicle, I noticed that a gas pump has a similar shape to an automatic Trodat stamper.

In my significant other's room, I noticed that the foam on their wall looked like small ocean waves from a certain angle.

The chair's recliner I have near my window has a similar shape of the front side building called The Alamo.

The soap pumper I own in my bathroom always reminded me of the bird called Kiwi due to it's small head and long beak.

I have a rock that is on my living room since I've own as a child that has many holes like swiss cheese.

The chandelier in my kitchen has a similar look to an octupus.

 A porta potty that is near a construction site I passed by, reminded of a Police Box known as the Tardis in the British show, Doctor Who.

 A mailbox that really caught my eye on the road was this one that looked so familiar to the character called a Dalek, in which also comes out in Doctor Who due to its shape.

And finally, a rare and weird chap stick I came across with that was my boyfriend's, reminded me of an egg that rests inside it's nest, which is fascinating.

In-Class Juxtaposition

 Guitar replaced with a tennis racket = Guitennis
 Shovel replaced with a table spoon = Shpoon
Bunny replaced with a hedgehog = Hedgebunny

In this assignment, as a class we were assigned with creating juxtaposition on all kind of texture or other things like for example (cold, hot, soft, hard, etc.). I made of wordlist of things that were opposite and decided on making a guitar as a tennis racket to rock out. Second, I used a spoon as a shovel. Third, I combined a bunny with a hedgehog. The Hedgebunny was my favorite out of three and the most successful. I love juxtaposing and the results that come from it. This assignment helped me think abroad of more opposite things I can combine.