Sunday, March 17, 2013

Project 9- Old Maid Cards

In this assignment, we were to recreate a set of Old Maid cards with characters and funky names. There were a list created with 5 specific events that shaped my personal aesthetic, 5 people who have influenced my creativity, 5 inanimate objects I keep around my workspace, 10 activities I do to stimulate my creativity, and one thing that hinders my creativity. Here is what I came up with.
The first 5 characters I came up with are events that shaped my personal aesthetic are Passing Dad, Moving Austin, Surfing Val, Broken Hearted Darwin, and Creative Arturo. Passing Dad came from the passing of my Father. Moving Austin was when I moved away from my hometown to Austin for college. Surfing Val was from when I went to visit California for the first time and it was a wonderful place to be. Broken Hearted Darwin is from my just recent break-up that made me realized I need to value myself more as a person. Creative Arturo is from the passion I have for art and exploring my creativity to a better future.

The next 5 characters are people who influenced my creativity and they are Hairy Frida, Little Maurice, Champion Marco, Rapper Tucker, and Savage Salvador (which is on the first lower picture). Hairy Frida is inspired by Frida Kahlo. Little Maurice is from Maurice Sendak. Champion Marco is from Marcel Duchamp. Rapper Tucker is from Tupac Shakur, and Savage Salvador is from Salvador Dali. Those artists are what keep my creativity going.
 The next list of 5 are inanimate objects I keep around my workspace which are a tiny toy airplane, food, a toy sheep, something to drink, and my iPod. So Flying Sally is from my toy airplane, Chewing Mason is food, Puffy Buffy is my toy sheep, Thirsty Bob is a drink, and my iPod is Musical Cal. 

The final list of 10 are activities I do to stimulate my creativity which are sleeping, meditating, cleaning, exercising, play drums, go outdoors, play basketball, listen to music, drive around, and have a few bottles of alcohol. Hence my characters are Sleepy Vinny, Meditate Kate, Spotless Jess, Exercising Stace, Drummer Gunther, Outdoor Flo, Baller Stella, Jamming Tammy, Driving Javi, and Drunk Chuck.
 Hesitancy Gracy is my final card of the photoset and is the old maid card. Being hesitant is what hinders me the most when it comes to creativity.

And finally, this is design I chose for the back of my cards simply because I'm the type of person who always likes keeping things in line and on grid point with simplicity. So I chose a simple grid plaid pattern. I'm kind of boring. 
Overall, this was a very fun project and will keep working on it, for portfolio use in the future. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Project 7: The Bard

In this assignment, we were assigned to do a Royal Shakespeare Company cover for a Shakespeare production. I chose Comedy of Errors and here is a synopsis where I based my ideas from. 

This drama is one of the great comedy plays by William Shakespeare. The Comedy of Errors relies heavily on mix-ups and witty dialogue. The characters include two sets of twins, Antipholus of Ephesus and Antipholus of Syracuse and Dromio of Ephesus and Dromio of Syracuse. Dromio of Ephesus is the slave of Antipholus of Ephesus, and Dromio of Syracuse is the slave of Antipholus of Syracuse. Antipholus of Ephesus is unaware that he has a twin brother, Antipholus of Syracuse. And Dromio of Ephesus is unaware that he also has a twin brother, Dromio of Syracuse. Farcical mix-ups occur when all the twins all meet in Ephesus. The themes of the play are reality, time, coincidence and love.

And while designing the cover, we had to go back in character from the Pseudonym from earlier project assignments, which was Claire-less for me. Since she a unorganized, sloppy kind of person, I made the cover messy and not so perfect coloring with bright colors. I chose another media from the ordinary which was Crayola Crayons, since I normally don't use it in most of my personal projects. I chose using the characters in shock while looking at each other and with the typography of the title, I used the "C" and "Y" 's as half neck braces, just like some people back in the day would wear them with their fancy outfits. On the "E" on Errors, I made an cross x to emphasis the meaning of the word. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

In Class Editorial Illustration

In this in class assignment, we had to read this article and illustrate showing what the article was talking about. I had an article talking about how ads online today pretty much stalk people through email and use cookies to target you. So I drew an evil cookie with a laser gun targeting a person and his whole team of cookies behind also. The cookie is on disguise so the person won't notice, but the damage is already done. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Project 6: Simplification Through Symbolism

In this assignment, we had to gather 10 quotes of any kind (relatives, artists, friends, etc.) and list them. Then from those 10, we narrowed it down to three by vote, then create a symbol representing the quotes. I came up with a George Burns, my Mother, and Frida Kahlo quotes and illustrated as simple as I could. I'm not all that confident that the symbols reflect greatly with each quote, but in hopes that the message is still there. 
The first quote was "Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed" and so I drew out a person laying down on top of a money bag, as it was their bed.
The second quote was "You look much prettier being quiet" and I did a pretty girl with a bandana covering her mouth, to show that she can't speak. 
The third quote was "Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly", and I drew out simple wings using almost negative space to form a foot.

Monday, February 11, 2013

In Class Aesthetics

 Beautiful Vultures
 Beautiful Bull
 Mama Rat
Sexy armpits and teeth guy

In this in class assignment, we were to create aesthetics. You think of things that have beauty, but is ugly at the same time. I came up with Beautiful vultures that have a beautiful view of things, and have amazing wings, but are just vicious and scary. The second picture is a bull killing machine, but have a beautiful stance and anatomy. The third picture drawing is a Mama rat that is loving and caring with her babies, but lives in a rat hole and is a rat. Rats are disgusting to humans. Finally the last image is a guy whose obviously attractive, has a nice body, but has ugly teeth and really long armpit hair. Which makes the guy, unattractive while being attractive at the same time.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Project 4: Emotional Cyrk Poster

For our Project 4, we had to create a circus Cyrk poster that relates to our Pseudonym character in a way. We also had a list of emotions which we have to emphasize in the poster. I chose the emotion, confidence, which relates to my Pseudonym character, Claire-less. There is two people, which obviously part of the circus, and are doing an upside down trick. The lady with flow-y hair is confident in not falling or being afraid even though she's not being held tightly. The design also show off a kind of sloppy, quick, not really detailed creation, just like Claire is. And finally, Claire-less is credited as the creator of the poster of course. 

In Class Pseudonym

Our in class assignment this week was to create a pseudonym, a fictitious character that is completely different from my normal day self. Either the person can be someone you want to be or just plain different from you. So, I drew out a character who is careless and unorganized. 'Claire-less' is a person who is messy, yet manages to always have perfect hair. Claire is also rebellious in a way and has perfect vision, therefore does not use glasses. I chose this character because I am a organized person who never likes to be dirty, careless, and sloppy. I am also kind of not really cool looking with all this organization, unlike Claire who has style even if she does not try. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Project 3: Totally Looks Like

For this project, it was required to have very good observational skills to photograph common things that are around me, and remind me/look like other completely different things. Here are 10 things I came across with.

In this set, I took a picture of the highway I-35 light pole in which I saw a similarity of a longhorn's horns.

While I was pumping gas into my vehicle, I noticed that a gas pump has a similar shape to an automatic Trodat stamper.

In my significant other's room, I noticed that the foam on their wall looked like small ocean waves from a certain angle.

The chair's recliner I have near my window has a similar shape of the front side building called The Alamo.

The soap pumper I own in my bathroom always reminded me of the bird called Kiwi due to it's small head and long beak.

I have a rock that is on my living room since I've own as a child that has many holes like swiss cheese.

The chandelier in my kitchen has a similar look to an octupus.

 A porta potty that is near a construction site I passed by, reminded of a Police Box known as the Tardis in the British show, Doctor Who.

 A mailbox that really caught my eye on the road was this one that looked so familiar to the character called a Dalek, in which also comes out in Doctor Who due to its shape.

And finally, a rare and weird chap stick I came across with that was my boyfriend's, reminded me of an egg that rests inside it's nest, which is fascinating.

In-Class Juxtaposition

 Guitar replaced with a tennis racket = Guitennis
 Shovel replaced with a table spoon = Shpoon
Bunny replaced with a hedgehog = Hedgebunny

In this assignment, as a class we were assigned with creating juxtaposition on all kind of texture or other things like for example (cold, hot, soft, hard, etc.). I made of wordlist of things that were opposite and decided on making a guitar as a tennis racket to rock out. Second, I used a spoon as a shovel. Third, I combined a bunny with a hedgehog. The Hedgebunny was my favorite out of three and the most successful. I love juxtaposing and the results that come from it. This assignment helped me think abroad of more opposite things I can combine.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Project 2: New Yorker Phrase Narratives

"Well, back to the old drawing board."

With Project 2, the class had to pick a quote from a magic fez and sketch out possible scenarios with New Yorker cartoon style. Once I was done with my thumbnails, I decided on two scenarios I liked best, and would describe the quote. The first image on the right is a mother and a child inside their home. The child was caught writing on the wall (even though she drew a nice message) and the mother was not pleased. Therefore, I thought it would be humorous enough to go along with the quote. The image on the right, I illustrated a caveman in a suit resting on a stone. You can see he is holding a hammer and next to him is a chisel. Since he is a sophisticated caveman who was probably used to technology to do his drawings by now, he is now caught back to drawing on his stone rock. The quote goes along with what he's angrily thinking. There were other ideas I had in mind like for example an alien destroying the incorrect planet and not what he had in mind from his drawing board idea, but I thought that was too graphic for a humorous illustration. So, I sticked to these two idea illustrations.

In-Class Telephone Assignment

For our Week 2 In-Class assignment, as a class, we grouped together by sitting in a circle. Before grouping, we each made our own booklet of 8.5 x 5.5 in. with 11 pages in total. Then we had to each think of a quote and write it down on the front of the booklet page. Once we were done, we had to pass our booklet to our right and the person next to you had to illustrate the quote. After their illustration, they had to pass it to their right again, and describe the illustration to the person without looking at the previous pages. The pattern continued until the booklet was over and now it was revealed the thinking process of everyone from where you started to the final end. It was an interesting and playful exercise as well as shocking to be able to see how things can quickly change from different point of views. The images above show the quote I started and how I illustrated the last page of my booklet due to the past description from someone else (raining money with owls). 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Project 1: Shape Potential

In these first two drawings, I drew a bird's wing and an opened door. With the same shape, I had planned out carefully to draw these two things differently. The bird's wing was actually my first idea because that's all I could think of at the time due to the shape. The door was something I thought of right away after staring at the shape for a minute and using perspective. I drew hallway point of view and slanted to go with perspective.

The third and fourth drawings are an illustration of me driving my truck and a man's collar. The truck window idea came into mind when I got into my truck a few days ago and thought the window looked rather similar to my shape, so I used that observation. The man's collar was something that I thought of after I was watching a tv show and saw how the shot was on the side of a guy's face. I then just realized that collars was something I would've never thought of at all if I didn't noticed.

The fifth and sixth drawings were an upper view of a entrance in a house and a person grabbing their waist. I used my shape as a window and a negative space between the arm and back. I had thought of these ideas before and tried my best to add more details so my shape wouldn't be plain.

I drew a dragon's eye and a dog's ear during class time and were my first ideas. It wasn't difficult to come up with these ideas after thinking of what to draw in class because since my shape isn't that complex, it was easy for me to come up with body parts that aren't visually the same. 

Last I drew a handgun and lollipop. I had a hard time thinking of the last two drawings to draw, but I kept being observant when I would go to places, and came up these two ideas. I definitely had a good time coming up with drawings using the same shape because they all are different illustrations. It has helped me improve my observance skills and how to use it in ideas for drawings.

In-Class Shape Assignment

In this in-class assignment, I was given a sheet that was divided by three sections with a triangle, square, and a circle on each section. We only had 45 minutes to complete our drawings surrounding those three shapes with as much detail as possible. I came up with a graduate's cap as a triangle, a destroying robot with a square shaped head, and a close up of a man's circled glasses. My thought process with these three figures was everywhere and once I organized myself, I decided with these three sceneries. It was a nice first exercise to do because it helped me out a lot for the Project 1 assignment. 

Exquisite Corpse In-Class Assignment

In this in-class assignment, we were grouped together in three's and we each had a paper to fold in thirds. We first started to draw a head on the first folded piece for 5 minutes, then pass your paper to the left so the person next to you in your group would draw the second part of the body without looking in the previous piece. It was an interesting thing to do because I had no idea what to start it off with. Then I just went with instinct and drew a weird guy with a cool mustache.  Once we were done passing it on for three times, we each got our paper back and see the results of the Exquisite Corpse!