Saturday, January 26, 2013

Project 2: New Yorker Phrase Narratives

"Well, back to the old drawing board."

With Project 2, the class had to pick a quote from a magic fez and sketch out possible scenarios with New Yorker cartoon style. Once I was done with my thumbnails, I decided on two scenarios I liked best, and would describe the quote. The first image on the right is a mother and a child inside their home. The child was caught writing on the wall (even though she drew a nice message) and the mother was not pleased. Therefore, I thought it would be humorous enough to go along with the quote. The image on the right, I illustrated a caveman in a suit resting on a stone. You can see he is holding a hammer and next to him is a chisel. Since he is a sophisticated caveman who was probably used to technology to do his drawings by now, he is now caught back to drawing on his stone rock. The quote goes along with what he's angrily thinking. There were other ideas I had in mind like for example an alien destroying the incorrect planet and not what he had in mind from his drawing board idea, but I thought that was too graphic for a humorous illustration. So, I sticked to these two idea illustrations.

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